Disruptive technologies by 2025, USD Trillions, annual Lowestimate Highestimate IoT will the most 1 Internet of Things 3.9-11.1 impactful 2 Mobile Internet 3.7-10.8 technology 3 Automation of knowledge work 5.2-6.7 revolution 4 Cloud technology 1.7-6.2 5 Advanced robotics 1.7-4.5 6 Autonomous and 0.2-1.9 near-autonomous vehicles 7 Next-generations genomics 0.7-1.6 8 Energy storage 0.1-0.6 9 3D printing 0.2-0.6 10 Advanced materials 0.2-0.5 11 Advanced oil & gas 0.1-0.5 exploration and recovery 12 Renewable energy 0.2-0.3 Source: McKinsey Global Institute McKinsey & Company 5 Research on IoT