Exhibit A7 Our analysis draws from a variety of public and private data sources Macro analysis component Metric Source 1 Account ownership World Bank Global Findex database, 2014 Mobile account penetration World Bank Global Findex database, 2014 Mobile network coverage GSMA, 2016 Mobile and smartphone GSMA, 2016 subscribership Number of MSMEs SME Finance Forum, IFC Enterprise Finance Gap database, 2011 Overarching MSME access to credit SME Finance Forum, IFC Enterprise Finance Gap database, 2011 Financial depth MGI Financial Assets database, 2015 Financial behavior at the bottom Collins et al., Portfolios of the poor, 2010; Banerjee and Duflo, of the pyramid Poor economics, 2011; CGAP; many additional in bibliography Employment International Labour Organisation, 2015 Population World Bank Health Nutrition and Population Statistics, 2016 Other economic indicators World Bank, IMF Volume and value of payments McKinsey Global Payments Map, 2016 (2014 data) Share of digital payments McKinsey Global Payments Map, 2016 (2014 data) Business shrinkage Centre for Retail Research Global Retail Theft Barometer, 2011 Cost of cash management The costs of payments: Survey on the costs involved in POS payment products, Netherlands National Forum on the Payments System, 2004; McKinsey payments benchmarks Cost of a bank account Fighting poverty, profitably, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2013 Cost of CICO Fighting poverty, profitably, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Increased 2013 productivity Volume and value of CICO McKinsey Global Payments Map, 2016 (2014 data) transactions Cost of transactions Fighting poverty, profitably, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 2013 Loan origination costs Bank Administration Institute (BAI) Banking Services, 2015; McKinsey banking benchmarks Density of ATMs, branches, and POS World Bank Global Findex database, 2014 Density of agents World Bank Global Findex database, 2014 Government leakage Inclusive growth and financial security: The benefits of e-payments to Indian society, McKinsey & Company,2010 Retail and SME deposits McKinsey Panorama Global Banking Pools, 2016 SME revenue World Bank Enterprise Survey, 2016 Increased Bank system slack EIU Market Indicators, Loan and deposit data, 2016; IMF Financial investment in Soundness Indicators, 2015 physical Corporate return on capital McKinsey Corporate Performance Analysis Tool (CPAT) capital SME return on capital IMF International Financial Statistics, 2016; McKinsey Panorama Global Banking Pools, 2016; Dalberg, Report on support to SMEs in developing countries through financial intermediaries, 2011 Private-sector debt MGI Country Debt database, 2015 Increased See “Density of ATMs, branches, and POS” and “Density of agents” metrics labor 1 Includes breakdowns by wealth, gender, urban vs. rural, and so on. SOURCE: McKinsey Global Institute analysis 106 McKinsey Global Institute Technical appendix