3. DATA SOURCES USED This section details the key sources we have used for our macroeconomic model. These include the sources used to develop the GGM, details behind the proprietary McKinsey Global Payments Map, and a list of sources that support our key calculation metrics. ƒ Data sources for GGM. The following sources were used in developing McKinsey’s GGM: — Bank for International Settlements International Banking Statistics — Barro-Lee Educational Attainment database — IMF International Financial Statistics — International Energy Agency Energy Balances — International Labour Organisation ILOSTAT — McKinsey Global Institute Financial Assets database — OECD databases — UN World Population Prospects — UN System of National Accounts database — UN World Income Inequality database — UNIDO Industrial Statistics database — World Bank Global Financial Development database — World Bank World Development Indicators (2016 and multiple vintages) ƒ McKinsey Global Payments Map. A key source for our analysis of the channels of GDP impact was the McKinsey Global Payments Map, a database covering a variety of topics in the payments business. Among them are payments flows (volume and value), revenue and costs generated through payments, and stocks of payments-related equipment (for example, number of cards). The map is assembled from more than 200 sources, including both proprietary McKinsey research and secondary research, which includes central bank studies, individual bank reports, and Retail Banking Research’s global cards data. The map draws on data from 43 countries generating more than 90 percent of global GDP and roughly 95 percent of worldwide payment revenue. By applying consistent definitions and measurements across different geographies, the Global Payments Map is able to provide a globally consistent view of the payments industry. In this report, we used the 2014 release of the map. ƒ Other data sources. To develop the inputs to GGM, we used a variety of sources across publicly available datasets, data from national governments, and proprietary McKinsey knowledge (Exhibit A7). McKinsey Global Institute Digital finance for all: Powering inclusive growth in emerging economies 105