© SODEXO Delivery example Sodexo: champion of gender diversity Sodexo is an outspoken champion of incentives – including 10% of bonuses – diversity. Led by an enthusiastic CEO and are correlated to achieving gender goals. board chairwoman, the global multinational Additionally, I&D initiatives are tailored to services company has publicly committed specific regional contexts and supported to improving five dimensions of diversity: by a mix of global and local initiatives. gender, people with disabilities, generations (age), cultures and origins, and sexual These diversity efforts are already paying orientation and gender identity. off. With women currently comprising half of the board, 32% of senior leaders For Sodexo, achieving gender balance and close to 50% of its total workforce, was the starting point. The company’s Sodexo is among the most gender-diverse internal research revealed that greater companies in its industry group and representation of women in management home country. It is, notably, also among positions – between 40 and 60% women – the most successful financially within correlated with superior performance on our data set, with value creation that measures such as customer satisfaction 7 is 13% above the industry average. and employee engagement. The company pledged to boost the number of senior female 7 Limited to industry peers within our data set. executives to 40 % by 2025. Management 9