3 | WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE: INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION To achieve equality, companies must turn good intentions into concrete action For the last four years, companies have reported that they are highly committed to gender diversity. But that commitment has not translated into meaningful progress. The proportion of women at every level in corporate America has hardly changed. Progress isn’t just slow. It’s stalled. Women are doing their part. They’ve been earning more bachelor’s degrees than men for decades. They’re asking for promotions and negotiating salaries at the same rates as men. And contrary to conventional wisdom, they are staying in the workforce at the same rate as men. Now companies need to take more decisive action. This starts with treating gender diversity like the business priority it is, from setting targets to holding leaders accountable for results. It requires closing gender gaps in hiring and promotions, especially early in the pipeline when women are most often overlooked. And it means taking bolder steps to create respectful and inclusive workplaces. Everyday discrimination, which women of color and lesbian women are more likely to face, and sexual harassment have no place in today’s workplace. All women—and all employees—should feel safe and supported at work. We know that many companies, especially those that participate in this study, are committed and are taking some action. But this year’s findings make it clearer than ever that companies need to double down on their efforts. This report includes concrete, evidence-based steps that organizations can take right now that will make a difference. We hope companies seize this opportunity. We can’t achieve equality until they do.