50 | WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE: A ROAD MAP TO GENDER EQUALITY CASE STUDY L’Oréal: Creating networks for underrepresented groups What they did L’Oréal USA launched Think Tanks, employee resource groups that promote a more inclusive workplace for underrepresented groups, including women, people of color, people with disabilities, veterans, and the LGBTQ community. Think Tanks have helped L’Oréal identify policies and programs to better support their diverse workforce, including new disability benefits and health-care coverage for infertility treatment and gender reassignment surgery. Input from Think Tank members has also helped L’Oréal USA marketing campaigns resonate with a more diverse audience. Different Think Tanks have different missions. For instance, the “L’Oréal for Women” Think Tank developed a road map to support the advancement of women into senior positions. Two key initiatives were a leadership certification program at Harvard University and an annual offsite for senior leaders that focused on promoting equality and fighting bias. Outcomes Since the program started in 2012, L’Oréal USA believes Think Tanks have contributed to a 40 percent increase in women in leadership and an 18 percent increase in people of color across the company. During the same time period, the number of employees who have disclosed a disability has quadrupled.