46 | WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE: A ROAD MAP TO GENDER EQUALITY CASE STUDY Mozilla: Creating an inclusive culture MOZILLA’S CODE OF CONDUCT Below are slightly edited excerpts from Mozilla’s Community Participation Guidelines. In addition, Mozilla clearly outlines the consequences of inappropriate behavior, which is critically important. BEHAVIOR THAT IS EXPECTED BEHAVIOR THAT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED Be respectful: Value each other’s ideas, styles, and Personal attacks: Conflicts will inevitably arise, but viewpoints. We may not always agree, but disagreement frustration should never turn into a personal attack. It is is no excuse for poor manners. Be open to different not okay to insult, demean, or belittle others. Attacking possibilities and to being wrong. Be kind in all interactions someone for their opinions, beliefs, and ideas is not and communications, especially when debating the acceptable. It is important to speak directly when we merits of different options. Be aware of your impact and disagree and when we think we need to improve, but how intense interactions may be affecting people. Be such discussions must be conducted respectfully and direct, constructive, and positive. Take responsibility for professionally, remaining focused on the issue at hand. your impact and your mistakes—if someone says they Unwelcome sexual attention or physical contact: have been harmed through your words or actions, listen carefully, apologize sincerely, and correct the behavior Unwelcome sexual attention or unwelcome physical going forward. contact is not acceptable, including: Be inclusive: Seek diverse perspectives. Diversity of • Sexualized comments, jokes, or imagery in views and of people on teams powers innovation, even interactions, communications, or presentation if it is not always comfortable. Encourage all voices. materials Help new perspectives be heard and listen actively. If • Inappropriate touching, groping, or sexual advances; you find yourself dominating a discussion, it is especially this includes touching a person’s hair, pregnant Read Mozilla’s complete guidelines at mzl.la/cpg important to step back and encourage other voices to join stomach, mobility device, or tattoos without in. Be aware of how much time is taken up by dominant permission members of the group. Provide alternative ways to • Physically blocking or intimidating another person contribute or participate when possible. • Simulating physical contact (such as emojis like Appreciate our similarities and differences: Be respectful “kiss”) without affirmative consent of people with different cultural practices, attitudes, and • Sharing or distributing sexualized images or text beliefs. Work to eliminate your own biases, prejudices, and discriminatory practices. Think of others’ needs from their point of view. Use preferred titles (including pronouns) and the appropriate tone of voice. Be open to learning from and educating others as well as educating yourself.