Even as the immediate toll on human health What to do today from the spread of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), In the current landscape, we see that a complete which causes the COVID-19 disease, mounts, the short-term response means tackling six sets of economic effects of the crisis—and the livelihoods issues that require quick action across the end-to- at stake—are coming into sharp focus. Businesses end supply chain (Exhibit 1). These actions should be must respond on multiple fronts at once: at the same taken in parallel with steps to support the workforce time that they work to protect their workers’ safety, and comply with the latest policy requirements: they must also safeguard their operational viability, now increasingly under strain from a historic supply- 1. 1. Create transparency on multitier supply chains, chain shock. establishing a list of critical components, determining the origin of supply, and identifying Many businesses are able to mobilize rapidly and set alternative sources. GES 2020 up crisis-management mechanisms, ideally in the COVID Supply-chain form of a nerve center. The typical focus is naturally 2. Exhibit 1 of 4 2. Estimate available inventory along the value short term. How can supply-chain leaders also chain—including spare parts and after-sales prepare for the medium and long terms—and build the stock—for use as a bridge to keep production resilience that will see them through the other side? running and enable delivery to customers. Exhibit 1 There are multiple immediate, end-to-end supply-chain actions to consider in response to COVID-19. Supply-chain actions Create transparency on multitier Optimize production and Assess realistic final-customer supply chain distribution capacity demand Determine critical components Assess impact on operations and ƒork wit sales and operations and determine origin of supply available resource capacity mainly planning to get demand signal to Assess interruption risk and identify workforce determine re„uired supply likely tier-2 and onward risk nsure employee safety and clearly Leverage direct-to-consumer Look to alternative sources if communicate wit employees cannels of communication suppliers are in severely affected onduct scenario planning and …se market insigts‚e†ternal regions assess impact on operations based databases to estimate for on available capacity customer’s customers ptimi€e limited production according to uman-ealt impact margin and opportunity cost‚ penalty Tier-2 supplier Tier-1 supplier Plant Distribution center ustomer ustomer’s customer Estimate available inventory Identify and secure logistics Manage cash and net oring stimate inventory along te value capacity capital cain including spare parts‚ stimate available logistics capacity ˆun supply-cain stress tests vs ma‡or remanufactured stock Accelerate customs clearance suppliers’ balance seets to …se after-sales stock as bridge to ange mode of transport and understand wen supply issues will keep production running prebook air‚rail capacity given start to stress financial or li„uidity current e†posure issues ollaborate wit all parties to leverage freigt capacity ‡ointly 76 What now? Ten actions to emerge stronger in the next normal September 2020