experiencing now as a result of the pandemic, or What to do about it the more recent racial-justice protests. A leader The pandemic has been a cruel reminder for previously fueled by personal achievement, for companies everywhere of how important it is to never example, might emerge from the trauma of these take healthy or motivated employees for granted. times more motivated by issues of equality or by Since individual purpose directly affects both health contributing to community. Or a leader formerly and motivation, forward-looking companies will be motivated by freedom and independence might focusing on purpose as part of a broader effort to find the tug of stability meaningful. ensure that talent is given the primacy it deserves. QWQWeb 2020eb 2020 Individual purposeIndividual purpose Nine types of purpose Exhibit 3 oSidebar 1 off 4 2 Nine types of purpose We surveyed 509 people representing a range of personal demographics (gender, age, ethnicity, and education) and occupational characteristics (industry, sector, and role). We asked them about the type and We surveyed Œ0Ž people representin a rane of personal deoraphis ‘ender‹ ae‹ ethniity‹ and intensity of their life values by having them rate the importance of a series of statements, each related to eduation’ and oupational harateristis ‘industry‹ setor‹ and role’“ We asked the about the type a value that academic research has found to be universal. Statistical analysis of the results showed that and intensity of their life values by havin the rate the iportane of a series of stateents‹ eah respondents’ life values clustered in one of nine categories. Taken together, our results suggest that an related to a value that aadei researh has found to be universal“ Statistial analysis of the results individual’s purpose maps to one of the nine—or is formed by combinations of them. shoed that respondents’ life values lustered in one of nine ateories“ Šaken toether‹ our results suest that an individual’s purpose aps to one of the nine—or is fored by obinations of the“ The nine types of purpose, and examples of their characteristics, are as follows: Achievement Conservation Caring avin a sense of authority Workin aainst threats elpin the people lose ein the ost influential to the environent to e person in any roup aisin aareness of the Sarifiin for y loved ones avin hih status and iportane of preservin ein responsive to the poer the environent needs of y faily and avin a hih inoe arin for the environent friends Freedom Respect Tradition ‚earnin thins Not bein shaed espetin y ulture’s for yself in front of others history ƒorin y †voidin huiliation ‰ratiin the rituals of on opinions y ulture or reliion hoosin y ‰reservin the established on oals values of y ulture or reliion Enjoyment Stability Equality and justice avin ne and espetin authority ‚istenin to people ho different experienes fiures are different than I …oin on adventures avin order and Šryin to understand avin exiteent stability in soiety people‹ even hen in life †dherin to standard I disaree ith the rules Ensurin everyone is treated fairly Igniting individual purpose in times of crisis 137