QWQWeb 2020eb 2020 Individual purposeIndividual purpose Exhibit 4 Exhibit 3 oExhibit 4 off 4 4 ‘Caregivers’ find meaning in choosing how and when they care for others; they ‘Caregivers’ find meaning in choosing how and when they care for others care less about material gain or what others think of them. they care less about material gain or what others think of them Archetype 3: The caregiver Higher importance oer importance Agency Achievement Conservation Caring Self Freedom Respect Tradition Others Enoyment Stability Eality  stice Integration Primary type: Secondary type: Caring Stability Purpose activators: Purpose blockers: eing able to help others or mentor eing pulled aa from famil and colleagues friends or isolated from colleagues  orlife balance that provides ­ncertaint € or lac of an orderl path opportunities to respond to the needs of famil and friends  sense of securit and order 140 What now? Ten actions to emerge stronger in the next normal September 2020

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