QWQWeb 2020eb 2020 Individual purposeIndividual purpose Exhibit 3 Exhibit 3 oExhibit 3 off 4 4 ‘Achievers’ find purpose in accumulating social or material resources; they often ‘Achievers’ find purpose in accumulating social or material resources; find meaning in self-improvement. they often find meaning in self-improvement Archetype 2: The achiever ­igher iportance ƒo er iportance Agency Achievement Conservation Caring Self reedom Respect radition Others Enjoyment Staility Eqality  jstice Integration Primary type: Secondary type: Achievement, tradition Enjoyment, respect Purpose activators: Purpose blockers: Opportunities to increase earnings eeling invisible or lacing influence and gain stature in the eyes of others in a group eing the authority on a subect ear that failure ill lead to huiliation and ipressing others ­aving to act out of sync ith one’s Opportunities for fun and exciteent culture‚religion Igniting individual purpose in times of crisis 139

What Now? - Page 141 What Now? Page 140 Page 142