What is clearly different today is that keeping people safe and reducing risk has, for now, displaced cost as the key driver behind digital learning. Good learning sessions of all types begin with a good together and collaborate in virtual formats (such as participant experience. Ensure that the technology videoconferencing and instant messaging). These has been tested, local dial-in numbers are provided are good arguments for placing additional emphasis as needed, roles are clear (consider assigning a on digital learning as the number of people working moderator to manage speakers and participants), remotely because of COVID-19 increases. and prereading materials are distributed well in advance. During the session, use technology to It is too early to say how COVID-19 will ultimately keep participants engaged and energized. For affect the accelerated adoption of digital learning. instance, keep the video option on participants’ What is clearly different today is that keeping people computers active to create a community feel, set safe and reducing risk has, for now, displaced ground rules up front, and use online input tools to cost as the key driver behind digital learning. For facilitate engagement, such as chat and polling. Also learning leaders, that opens an opportunity to consider features such as virtual breakout rooms promote existing digitally enabled portfolios of and postsession feedback to simulate the in-person learning offerings as a way to help colleagues during experience as much as possible. challenging times. Targeted communication that reminds employees that learning doesn’t stop when travel is curtailed, for example, may boost attention Promote and enhance digital learning to available digital offerings. A substantial increase in the use of digital delivery globally is under way across all segments of the The uptake in virtual delivery also provides learning workforce, from frontline managers to senior leaders with an opportunity to enhance the digital leaders. In regions such as Asia, where travel experience of employee learners. One way is restrictions and work-from-home policies for leaders to tie communication to the learners’ have been in place for weeks, digitally enabled individual motivations, such as a sense of personal, experiences have also created new benefits. community, or company purpose. Another is to These include an increased sense of community, have senior leaders model desired behaviors purpose, and focus for people who are no longer through active participation in digital courses. connecting with their colleagues in a co-located When possible, include social-learning components. workplace. Around the world, organizations are These can include discussion boards, along with using digital learning to increase collaboration participant journeys that focus on cohorts of among teams that are working either remotely or people undertaking programs together on a set across different time zones, as they take courses schedule rather than on individuals working at their 40 What now? Ten actions to emerge stronger in the next normal September 2020