
Exhibit of Exhibit 2 Rapid Revenue Recovery is based on taking a core set of commercial actions. Rapid Revenue Recovery is based on taking a core set of commercial actions. Strategy Digital channels Brand repositioning caled digital sales & services M&A moves Ecommerce Netored ecosystems igital mareting effectiveness leansheet demand planning Productivity Customer experience & Insights Mareting efficiency ustomer experience‚customer ƒourneys ales productivity „ersonali…ation† loyalty† & ‡M €nside sales „roduct value propositions atadriven performance management Analyticsdriven sales ynamic pricing and promotion optimi…ation Driven by data and analytics and online search trends) to forecast growth In our experience, companies can develop clear scenarios at a granular level. This dashboard of targets for growth and profitability in just a week. opportunities needs to be continuously updated (Exhibit 3). 2. Act with urgency Once there is a granular map of prioritized Against this view, analysis is needed of how well activities, companies need to quickly and decisively developed the available commercial capabilities reallocate resources accordingly to capture growth. are. A company in the advanced-industries sector, The focus should be on launching the biggest and with low maturity in price and margin management, readiest initiatives, whether by adjusting sales- for example, may want to reinforce measures coverage models, tailoring product features to to avoid margin leakage, such as a shift to specific customer use cases, or shifting marketing manual price approval to avoid low-margin sales. spend to high-performing channels. The necessity Commercial leaders should then overlay growth of acting with urgency has allowed businesses to forecasts on their marketing and distribution accomplish incredible things in short periods of capabilities, product and service portfolio, and time that would have seemed impossible just six competitive activity. months earlier. They have demonstrated the agility of start-ups, an ability to look at their customers in Within these calculations, commercial leaders new ways, a commitment to data-driven decisions, should consider “now or never” moves—actions and a relentless focus on iterative execution to that may have been too difficult to undertake continually improve. during normal times but are now essential for moving forward. These could include making Take one leading car-rental company with more significant reallocations of resources or ratcheting than 5,000 locations in China. Like its competitors, back popular but underperforming programs. the business saw its momentum come to a 32 What now? Ten actions to emerge stronger in the next normal September 2020

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