Exhibit of
Exhibit 3
Prioritized measures for Rapid Revenue Recovery.
Prioritized measures for Rapid Revenue Recovery.
Structural shifts Short-term/high-impact moves
M&A moves ricing and
repositioning E-commerce
Customer driven sales
EBIT experience, Marketing/
impact safety sales
Scaled digital
sales & services productivity
Data-driven planning
lo Time to impact ast
screeching halt and order volume collapse by could then use the car for two more days on the
95 percent in February, as the coronavirus surged. weekend.
In response, the company invested in microlevel
customer segmentation to guide personalization The company also called first-time customers who
and in social listening to track the latest shifts in had cancelled orders because of health concerns
consumer sentiment. This led them to develop new to reassure them of the various safety steps it
use cases. They discovered, for example, that many was taking, such as “no-touch” contactless car
tech companies in southern China, in response to pickup. They also used geolocation analytics to
the virus, were telling employees not to use public identify customers most likely to need a car and
transportation. The company used this insight to their destination. To help manage the program,
send targeted campaigns to promote car rentals. they pulled together three agile teams with
They tested two campaigns—rent for two days cross-functional skills and designed a recovery
and get one free versus rent for five days and get dashboard so the senior executive team could
two free—and learned that the second offer was track progress in real time. This approach helped
more attractive because customers could rent five them streamline their working process so they
days for work purposes and get reimbursed, but could launch a new campaign in two to three days
Rapid Revenue Recovery: A road map for post-COVID-19 growth 33
What Now? Page 34 Page 36