Contents 1 Think of the return as 5 Make bold 8 Take the lead on climate a muscle portfolio moves and sustainability 5 Return: A new muscle, not just 59 A blueprint for M&A success 95 Confronting climate risk a plan 106 Addressing climate change in a Focus on high-impact 6 Reset technology plans postpandemic world 2 actions 66 Building the vital skills for the 12 The COVID-19 recovery will be future of work in operations 9 Think about the digital: A plan for the first 90 days role of regulation and government 7 Rethink the global 113 ‘And now win the peace’: Ten 3 Rebuild for speed footprint lessons from history for the next normal 21 Ready, set, go: Reinventing the 75 Supply-chain recovery in organization for speed in the coronavirus times—plan for now post-COVID-19 era and the future 127 COVID-19: Strategies for getting ahead of the pandemic crisis 29 Rapid Revenue Recovery: A road 83 From thinking about the next map for post-COVID-19 growth normal to making it work: What to stop, start, and accelerate 10 Make purpose part of everything 4 Reimagine the 133 Igniting individual purpose in workforce from the times of crisis top down 144 The CEO moment: Leadership for a new era 37 Adapting workplace learning in the time of coronavirus 43 Reimagining the postpandemic workforce 51 HR says talent is crucial for performance—and the pandemic proves it 3