RELATED MGI RESEARCH Lions on the move II: Realizing the potential India’s technology opportunity: of Africa’s economies (September 2016) Transforming work, empowering people Many observers are questioning whether (December 2014) Africa’s economic advances are running A dozen disruptive technologies can add up to out of steam. Five years ago, growth was $1 trillion in GDP by 2025. The spread of digital accelerating in almost all of the region’s technologies, as well as advances in energy 30 largest economies. More recently The and genomics, can raise the productivity recent picture has been more mixed, with of business and agriculture, redefine how growth accelerating in about half of Africa’s services such as health care and education economies but slowing in the rest. However, are delivered, and contribute to higher living long-term fundamentals are strong, and there standards for millions of Indians by raising are very substantial market and investment education levels and improving health- opportunities on the table. care outcomes. Digital Europe: Pushing the frontier, China’s digital transformation: The capturing the benefits (June 2016) internet’s impact on productivity and Europe is in the midst of a digital transition growth (June 2014) driven by consumers, thriving technology New applications of the internet could account hubs, and some world-renowned companies, for up to 22 percent of China’s GDP growth Yet the continent is operating below its digital through 2025. For China’s small enterprises, potential, and there is potential to add €2.5 greater digitization provides an opportunity to trillion to GDP in 2025, boosting GDP growth boost their labor productivity and expand their by 1 percent a year over the next decade. reach through e-commerce. Digital globalization: The new era of global Lions go digital: The internet’s flows (March 2016) transformative potential in Africa Conventional wisdom says that globalization (November 2013) has stalled. But although the global goods A majority of urban Africans own internet- trade has flattened and cross-border capital capable devices and go online regularly. flows have declined sharply since 2008, If infrastructure investment continues, the globalization is not heading into reverse. internet will take hold on a much larger scale in Rather, it is entering a new phase defined by the coming decade—potentially adding $300 soaring flows of data and information. billion a year to Africa’s GDP. E-book versions of selected MGI reports are available at MGI’s website, Amazon’s Kindle bookstore, and Apple’s iBooks Store. Download and listen to MGI podcasts on iTunes or at Cover image: © BFG Images/Getty Images Contents page images: Hands with money © Narvikk/Getty Images; farmer and businessman © Visuals Stock/Alamy; cell tower in desert © Ladislav Pavliha/Getty Images.