Ways I&D can support business performance We first hypothesized in Why Diversity ƒ Improve the quality of decision making. Matters that there are five key ways I&D can Published research from academia, contribute to a company's performance and corporations, and other organizations help drive value creation: supports that diverse and inclusive groups make better quality decisions, ƒ Win the war for talent. Strengthening often faster, and in a more fact-based human capital for their organizations manner, with less cognitive bias remains one of the top challenges 18, 19 or groupthink. Further studies for CEOs globally, and it continues show a positive correlation between to be seen as a key source of competitive better decision making and business advantage. A diverse and inclusive performance.20 workplace is central to a company's ability to attract, develop, and retain ƒ Increase innovation and customer the talent it needs to compete. The insight. Similarly, research supports effects of major trends – globalization, that diverse and inclusive teams tend technology, and demographics – create to be more creative and innovative than new growth opportunities for companies, homogenous groups. Diverse teams bring while disrupting traditional business different experiences, perspectives, and 17 models and organizational structures. approaches to bear on solving complex, 21, 22 More diverse organizations have non-routine problems. Diverse broader talent pools from which teams are also better able to target and to source capability to compete distinctively serve diverse customer in this changing world. markets, such as women, ethnic minority, and LGBTQ+ communities which command an increasing share 23,24,25 of consumer wealth and which could represent untapped markets for some companies. 23