Current as of March 16, 2020 Example COVID-19 Response Structure: 5 teams, 18 workstreams See next slides Based on discussions with risk and health professionals and more than 200 companies across sectors 1 Policy & Management Portfolio of policies and actions incl. prevention and incident response 2 Two Way Communication Multi-channel communications | Confidential reporting mechanisms | Source of truth AWorkforce 3 Personnel & contractors Tiering (all/some/no WFH) | Infra setup (VPN, laptops, desktops) | Broadband availability protection 4 Facility & On-site norms Staggering work shifts/times | Prevention (e.g., Social distancing) | Closures 5 Health & Govt engagement Local & federal regulators and public health officials 1 Supplier engagement Cross-tier risk transparency | Supplier restart | Order mgmt. | New supplier qualifications 2 Inventory management Critical part identification | Parts rationing | Location optimization B Supply Chain 3 Production & Operations Operational impact assessment | Production capacity optimization COVID-19 Stabilization Integrated 4 Demand management S&OP SKU-level demand signal estimates by macro scenario | Production and sourcing plan Nerve 5 Logistics Ports | Logistics capacity pre-booking | Route optimization Center 1 B2B transparency Comms to B2B customers (e.g., microsite) | Scenario-based risk comms CCustomer 2 Customer protection Prevention interventions across customer journey | Cust. team training | Execution monitoring engagement 3 Customer outreach Customer comms re: COVID-practices | Fact-based reports on issues | Situation comms DStress-test 1 Scenario definition Relevant scenarios based on latest epidemiological & economic outlook financials 2 Financial stress tests Financials in different scenarios, especially working capital requirements 1 Issue map & management Single source of truth for issue resolution & tapping surge resources where needed E Operate 2 Portfolio of actions Trigger-based portfolio of actions (across all workstreams above) nerve center 3 Leadership alignment Align leaders on scenarios | Roundtable exercises McKinsey & Company 18