55 | WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE: CONCLUSION CONCLUSION Looking ahead We have more solutions than ever for companies that want to get to gender equality. But companies need to start by putting the basics in place and sticking to them. They need to treat diversity as the business priority it is. Until they do, meaningful progress remains out of reach. It’s critical that companies focus on closing gender disparities early in the pipeline. This will improve the representation of women all the way to the top. It will also help reduce the number of women who are Onlys. Once, companies might have thought that adding one or two women here and there was sufficient. Now we know how difficult the Only experience can be—and that diversity requires going far beyond “one and done.” Real diversity starts with real numbers. It’s equally critical that employers take steps to reduce sexual harassment and microaggressions and promote a culture of civility and respect. Companies that sincerely want to do right by their employees will treat this as vital to their mission. Especially in this day and age, lip service is not enough. Closing the corporate gender gap isn’t a side issue. It’s an economic necessity. Programs and policies designed to reduce bias and ensure fairness don’t just benefit women. They benefit everyone. In the best workplaces, the most talented people can rise, no matter who they are. That should be the expectation for every workplace, everywhere.