23 | WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE: THE UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD THE UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD It feels harder to advance for women Women think their gender ALL WOMEN makes it harder to advance. Given that women remain Women are three times more likely than men to think that their gender has played a role in their missing out underrepresented at almost on a raise, promotion, or other chance to get ahead. every level in the pipeline and They are also more likely to think their gender will make it harder for them going forward. are less likely to be promoted than men, they appear to be right. WOMEN OF COLOR LESBIAN WOMEN Compared to white women, women of color are slightly Lesbian women are more likely than women overall more likely to think their gender will make it harder for to think that their gender makes it harder for them them to advance. Asian women, in particular, are much to advance. more likely to feel disadvantaged.