5 | WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE: THE CORPORATE PIPELINE Women remain significantly underrepresented Since 2015, the first year of this study, corporate America has made almost no progress in improving women’s representation. Women are underrepresented Women are dramatically at every level, and women of color are the most underrepresented group of outnumbered in senior 1 all, lagging behind white men, men of color, and white women. leadership. Only about 1 in 5 C-suite leaders is a woman, and only 1 in 25 is a woman of color. REPRESENTATION IN THE CORPORATE PIPELINE BY GENDER AND RACE % OF EMPLOYEES BY LEVEL IN 20182 SR. MANAGER/ ENTRY LEVEL MANAGER DIRECTOR VP SVP C-SUITE 6% 4% 4% 12% 8% 17% % WOMEN 2018 PIPELINE 48% 38% 34% 29% 23% 22% CHANGE 3 ’17–’18 1% 1% 1% 0% 2% 2% CHANGE 1% 0% 0% 0% -3% 1% ’16–’17 CHANGE 4 ’15–’16 1% 0% 1% 2% 1% 2% 1 In this study, women of color include Black, Latina, Asian, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, or mixed-race women. However, due to small sample sizes, reported findings on individual racial/ethnic groups are restricted to Black women, Latinas, and Asian women. 2 Due to rounding, representation by race and gender may sum to 101 percent or 99 percent within some levels. 3 This represents percentage point change. 4 The small numbers at the executive level, combined with this study’s methodology, which takes the average of companies, means that findings at the executive level are more sensitive to individual company variation.