17 | WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE: THE UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD IN THEIR OWN WORDS On everyday discrimination One thing I’ve become used to is having to prove myself constantly, over and “ over. It’s tiring, and unfortunately it hasn’t changed a whole lot as I’ve become more senior.” —Senior executive, 4 years at company, Latina woman I’ve had a couple of bosses who have made me feel that I shouldn’t talk about “ my wife. I’ve responded, ‘I’m just being me. You get to talk about your wife all the time, I’m going to talk about mine too. I shouldn’t be held to a different standard.’” —SVP, 10 years at company, white lesbian woman I was in the elevator and pressed the I walked into a meeting where I was the only button for the executive office. Someone woman in a very large room of men. And when “ “ said to me, ‘Um, no honey. That’s for the I sat down, an older white man from another executive offices. The interns are going company turned to me out of nowhere and said, to this floor.’” ‘Could you take notes for the meeting?’ Which was a little bit odd because I was the lawyer in —Director, 4 years at company, Asian woman the room, the one doing the negotiating.” —VP, 6 years at company, Middle Eastern woman This report contains stock photographs for illustrative purposes only. Images do not reflect the identities of the women quoted. Within the quotes, some identifying details may have been altered and/or withheld to protect the speaker’s anonymity.