12 | WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE: THE UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD THE UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD Less access to senior leaders Women get less access to ALL WOMEN senior leaders than men do. Yet employees who interact Women are more likely than men to report they never have substantive interactions with senior leaders about regularly with senior leaders their work. They are also more likely to say they never are more likely to ask for and have informal interactions with senior leaders, such as casual conversations or lunch meetings. Because senior receive promotions, stay at leaders are often the ones to create opportunities their companies, and aspire and open doors, this lack of access puts women at a disadvantage. to be leaders. WOMEN OF COLOR LESBIAN WOMEN Compared to white women, more women of color say Like women overall, lesbian women are more likely they never interact, formally or informally, with senior than men to say they never get formal or informal leaders. In particular, Black women get the least access access to senior leaders. to senior leaders.