19 | WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE: THE UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD THE UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD Sexual harassment remains prevalent COMPANIES ARE FALLING SHORT PUTTING POLICIES INTO PRACTICE % OF EMPLOYEES WHO REPORT THEIR COMPANY HAS DONE THE FOLLOWING IN THE PAST YEAR MEN WOMEN Updated or clarified its Provided training or Stated clearly that sexual sexual harassment policies guidance on sexual harassment will not be and procedures harassment tolerated at the company WOMEN ARE FAR LESS CONFIDENT THAT REPORTING SEXUAL HARASSMENT WOULD BE EFFECTIVE OR HELPFUL % OF EMPLOYEES WHO THINK REPORTING SEXUAL HARASSMENT WOULD BE . . . POINTLESS It wouldn’t be taken seriously RISKY I might be penalized in some way UNCERTAIN SKEPTICAL OF I don’t know how it would play out OUTCOMES HELPFUL It’s a good first step When it comes to sexual harassment, there is an information gap. One in five employees wants more information on their company’s harassment policies, THINK IT WOULD including what to do if they’re harassed EFFECTIVE BE EFFECTIVE OR and how their company handles It would be fairly investigated HELPFUL claims—and women are 50 percent and addressed more likely to want this information. It’s also worth noting that, regardless of gender, employees who have been sexually harassed are twice as likely to want additional information as those who MEN WOMEN haven’t been harassed.