54 | WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE: A ROAD MAP TO GENDER EQUALITY CASE STUDY Allstate: Helping employees balance work and life What they did Outcomes Allstate has a long history of supporting working families. For Employees who take advantage of Allstate’s family-friendly more than twenty years, they have provided on-site child care policies feel overwhelmingly positive about the experience. at the company’s headquarters, including care for infants and In a 2018 survey, 96 percent of employees who used the preschoolers, full-day kindergarten, and vacation programs company’s onsite child-care program reported that it helped for children. For at least fifteen years, they have offered them balance personal and professional demands. Another compressed and part-time schedules, job sharing, and flexible 95 percent said it made it easier for them to concentrate and start times. be more productive on the job. In 2006, they launched their first parent-focused employee In 2017, 42 percent of Allstate employees made use of flexible resource group to provide peer support, help parents work arrangements. Those who did were more likely to say navigate the company’s work-life balance resources, and they felt valued on the job, were satisfied with their work-life surface challenges faced by parents and caregivers to balance, and would recommend the company as a great place leadership. In addition, for the last several years, Allstate has to work. Employees often cite the company’s flexible policies offered employee discounts at child-care facilities across as one of the ways Allstate has exceeded their expectations. the country. And in 2018, they decided to take this support even further with the addition of telecommuting and remote work options.