42 | WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE: A ROAD MAP TO GENDER EQUALITY CASE STUDY P&G: Getting men involved What they did P&G knew they needed the support of men—who hold many senior leadership positions—to reach their diversity and inclusion goals. The company enlisted men as diversity champions through the MARC (Men Advocating Real Change) program. Developed by Catalyst, MARC helps men understand and mitigate common biases that can disadvantage women, such as the cultural belief that men are a better match for leadership, and builds effective partnership across genders. P&G began hosting regular MARC Leaders workshops and kept participants engaged with follow-up surveys and newsletters. The company also arranged for senior leaders who participated to host their own events for employees who couldn’t attend the workshops. Outcomes More than 950 senior P&G leaders have completed a MARC Leaders workshop. P&G surveyed participants and found that after the average workshop, 96 percent of men acknowledge having more privileges than women, compared to just 70 percent before the workshops. Fully 100 percent of men who participated said that they now feel they have a personal stake in diversity and inclusion and will work on recognizing their bias and taking steps to counteract it. For more details on the MARC program, visit catalyst.org/marc