30 | WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE: THE UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD THE UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD Women think differently about top jobs Women are less interested ALL WOMEN in being a top executive than men, and women and men Compared to men of the same race and ethnicity, women are less likely to aspire to be a top executive. see the benefits differently. Women and men who want to be senior leaders see the benefits differently. Women are more interested in being role models than men are, while men are more motivated by the opportunity to impact the success of their company. WOMEN OF COLOR LESBIAN WOMEN Women of color are much more interested in becoming a Lesbian women are about as interested in being a top top executive than white women are. executive as women overall. Black women with leadership ambitions are particularly Like Black women, lesbian women with leadership interested in paving the way for others and having a ambitions are very interested in being role models and positive impact on company culture. shaping company culture.