Article type and Year Article Title Exhibit X of X Exhibit 1 US consumers are accelerating adoption of digital channels, a trend seen across global regions. Digital adoption, by industry, … of digital access ‹egular users Firsttime users †an‡ing ˆntertainment ‰rocery arel tilities Šelcom Šrael Insurance 73 carriers 21 64 61 24 31 45 13 39 38 37 35 9 11 6 8 51 40 30 31 30 27 31 27 1 Note: Figures may not sum to listed totals, because of rounding. Source: McKinsey COVI1 S igital Sentiment Surey, r €–ƒ, „„ Based on data from countries already in the recovery phase, consumption patterns will be uneven and unlikely to return to pre-CO- levels uickly. Average daily China offline consumption,… Ž1„„… ˜ daily aerage consum tion in ec „1” ›rior to COVIœ1 ›rior to CŒinese uring COVIœ1 ea‡ fter COVIœ1 ea‡ 100 žunar Ne• –ear 39 79 €„ 125 „„ 1€„ 1„„ €„ „ ec „1 Ÿan „„ Feb „„ Mar „„ First šuŒan CŒinese žunar žo•ered emergency confirmed loc‡do•n Ne• –ear res onse leel in case in most localities1 šuŒan 1 On Mar ƒ, „„, 1 CŒinese roinces Žinoling ‘’„… of country’s o ulation” announced lo•ering of e idemicres onse leel. Source: MI–— McKinsey analysis he levels of remote working have skyrocketed during lockdowns and are likely to remain higher than precrisis levels for some time. Share of employees working remotely full time, … Information¥ ›rofessional and Financial Manufacturing ˆducation and ŠMŠ serices1 business serices actiities ŒealtŒ serices 84 74 70 61 ¦’€ ¦§ ¦§€ ¦€ 36 ¦¢£ 9 5 5 2 2 1 ŠMŠ ˜ tecŒnology, media, and telecom. ›reCOVI1 figures for remote•or‡ fre¡uency in sector sourced from internal surey Žunaailable in merican Šime se Surey”. ›ercentage oints. Source: merican Šime se Surey, S †ureau of žabor Statistics, n ˜1¢£— e¤ ert interie•s— ress searcŒ— McKinsey analysis 14 What now? Ten actions to emerge stronger in the next normal September 2020