Web <2020> Exhibit 5 Exhibit <5> of <5> Creating the right talent pool for a digital and analytics transformation Creating the right talent pool for a digital and analytics transformation combines in-house capability building and hiring for specific roles. combines in-house capability building and hiring for specific roles. Shift in roles ain talent source In-house capabilty building ‰iring external talent  Current role Dn role Senior Management team management eneral managers DnA champion Operational roduction and management technology managers ˆunctional-team leaders Production Maintenance- and DnA aare units production-team leaders ection managers ­ocal I team €uality and process technologists ranslator ‚entral maintenance team Data scientist Functions ‚ontinuous-improƒement- Data engineer pro„ect roles I architect ‚entral supply-chain roduct oner mar…eting and sales agile coach and and technology roles scrum master †ontechnical roles 2 U/UI designer and External ‡xternally hired talent softare engineer 1Digital and analytics 2User experience and/or user interface. At the center of a skill-shaping effort should be a The relationship between an organization and its talent-transition hub and a corporate academy that people is a two-way street, and the design phase oversee the delivery of reskilling programs, allocate of a future-of-work program should also focus on employees to learning journeys, and provide a business’s offer to its staff. Companies need to reskilled staff to the parts of the business that develop clear and compelling value propositions need them most. The hub will also be responsible for employees to ensure that their existing staffs for ensuring that an organization’s reskilling system see the benefits of developing new skills—and so grows and adapts to suit the needs of the business, the organizations can attract external talent to fill tracking the performance and impact of the the specialized roles for which there are insufficient program and using agile techniques to test, adapt, internal candidates. and refine curricula and learning systems. 72 What now? Ten actions to emerge stronger in the next normal September 2020

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