experiences vary widely. That is also true for the tools (such as mobile text platforms) to gather and hybrid work environment, with some employees analyze employee sentiment, organizations must be back in the office and others remaining at home. thoughtful about how they track and comprehend employee well-being—beyond an annual CHROs will need to help establish norms of working engagement survey. that foster engagement and inclusion for all employees. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. The answer, different for every organization, will Optimizing workforce planning be based on what talent is needed, which roles and strategy are most important, how much collaboration is Given the shifts in how value is being created in necessary for excellence, and where offices are the post-COVID-19 world (for instance, the shift located today, among other factors (Exhibit 3). to contactless experience in grocery, retail, and restaurants and the change from in-person sales HR departments should also consider the range meetings to remote sales calls), the talent base of analytics tools they can use to understand and required to deliver that value may need to shift as promote connectivity and engagement. From using well. As such, it is natural that workforce planning, social-network analyses to map interactions and strategy, and change is the category of HR spending prompt needed connectivity to using listening that survey respondents cite as the most likely to Web <2020> Exhibit 3 Exhibit <3> of <3> HR is central to helping people across an organization adapt to new roles. HR is central to helping people across an organization adapt to new roles. Communicating change in a remote workplace Individual contributors Managers Senior executives Understanding of and comfort in Effective leadership of virtual teams €lear communication with using virtual meeting platforms through various platforms in lieu of remote and in-person (eg, Zoom) in-person meetings colleagues on changes in working models Adaptation to role-specific trong -wa communication components of virtual work (eg, a skills—clear communication to teams ‚romotion of cohesion and sales rep used to in-person visits and clear channels for teams to unified culture, even while to clients learns how to use other communicate with managers workforces ma have avenues to communicate) in-person and remote le ibilit and willingness to adapt to components Establishment of comfortable team-member needs in conte t of working environments (eg, setting virtual work acilitation of regular virtual up personal preferences for gatherings and town halls work hours, creating phsical ole modeling of new norms and to recogniƒe individual and environment comfortable to work in) policies of new working environments team contributions 56 What now? Ten actions to emerge stronger in the next normal September 2020