Exhibit Optimizing the hybrid virtual continuum Optimizing the hybrid virtual continuum Six models reflecting a mix of on-site and remote working ‹esirable outcome Ability to Productivity Cost of ost to be managed access talent (individual and real estate team) Almost imited ompany leaders entirely on remote work, and employees are premises large centrali€ed in 1–ƒ big principal offices artially ompany leaders and most remote work, employees spend ma„ority, large but not all, of their time in 1–ƒ principal offices artially ultiple proportionate-si€e remote work, offices with leadership and multiple hubs employees dispersed among Hybrid all offices models ultiple eadership and employees microhubs dispersed across small- footprint “microhubs” located in ‡arious geographies artially remote ˆo permanent offices‰ rented work, with flex flex spaceŠ used for periodic space1 in-person collaboration (but not connecti‡ity) Almost ostly remote entirely off work, no office premises sites 1Flex space includes temporarily (eg, monthly) rented space used in select cities for periodic gathering and collaboration If, instead, a third of your employees are working culture less monolithic. Moreover, microhubs can remotely but doing so 90 percent of the time, the often be energizing, fun, and innovative places in challenges to social cohesion are more pronounced. which to collaborate and connect with colleagues, The one-third of your workforce will miss out on which further benefits organizational culture. social interaction with the two-thirds working on-premises—and the cohesion, coherence, and Productivity and speed cultural belonging that comes with it. One solution Now let’s begin to factor in other priorities, such as would be to bring those remote workers into the employee productivity. Here the question becomes office more frequently, in which case multiple less straightforward, and the answer will be unique hubs, or multiple microhubs (as seen in the exhibit), to your circumstances. When tackling the question, might be the better choice. Not only is it easier to be sure to go beyond the impulse to monitor inputs travel to regional hubs than to a central HQ, at least and activity as a proxy for productivity. Metrics for employees who don’t happen to live near that focused on inputs or volume of activity have always HQ, but more dispersed hubs make the in-person been a poor substitute for the true productivity 46 What now? Ten actions to emerge stronger in the next normal September 2020