Acknowledgments McKinsey Global Publishing would like to thank, Social Media/Video first and foremost, the many authors of these Devin Brown, Chelsea Bryan, Stephanie Grayson, articles, for their insights and analysis. Mona Hamouly, Lauren Holmes, Simon London, Puneet Mishra, Kathleen O’Leary, and Rita Zonius And we want to acknowledge the many direct contributors who offered vital energy and expertise— McKinsey colleagues under extraordinary personal and professional Hana Abbas, Missy Babcock, Charlie Barthold, circumstances—to the development, editing, risk April Bell, Zavie Berenbaum, Anne Blackman, review, copyediting, fact checking, data visualization, Marianne Blum, Daniel Bocian, DJ Carella, design, production, and dissemination of “The Next Adriana Clemens, Julie Coppo, Elliot Cravitz, Normal” content. Peter Dahlstrom, Rafael Daraya, David DeLallo, Kevin Drennan, Paula Duran, Daniel Eisenberg, McKinsey Global Publishing Paul Feldman, Michelle Forrest, Cabe Franklin, Publisher Marcelo Garza, Max Gleischman, Jane Goehring, Raju Narisetti Vasudha Gupta, Christen Hammersley, Keri Hattich, Kate Hegarty, Andria Hutchins, Michael Idinopulos, Editorial Kristen Jennings, Christian Johnson, Sue Lavin Jones, Nicole Adams, Julia Arnous, Mike Borruso, Connie Jordan, Ben Ko, Steve Lackey, Stephen Diane Brady, Richard Bucci, Lang Davison, Landau, Glenn Leibowitz, Frank Lenhart, Rob Tom Fleming, Torea Frey, Roberta Fusaro, Mathis, Hannah McGee, Kelly McLaughlin, Kerry Mary Halpin, Eileen Hannigan, Heather Hanselman, Naidoo, Elizabeth Newman, Christine Nguyen, Drew Holzfeind, David Hunter, Justine Jablonska, Cuckoo Paul, John Pratt, Ramiro Prudencio, Bill Javetski, Eleni Kostopoulos, Jason Li, Rahul Rawal, Lisa Renaud, Rebeca Robboy, Cait Murphy, Lucia Rahilly, Josh Rosenfield, Marcel Rogowski, Jesse Salazar, Alison Segura, Astrid Sandoval, David Schwartz, Daniella Seiler, Barr Seitz, Michael Silber, Michelle Sing, Holly Skillin, Mark Staples, Dennis Swinford, Rick Tetzeli, Margaret Swink, Natasha Wig, and Leah Zennario Barbara Tierney, and Monica Toriello Editorial partners Copy desk Colin Douglas, Uma Khan, Mary Kuntz, Heather Byer, Nancy Cohn, Roger Draper, Joanna Pachner, Darby Films, and Leff Julie Macias, LaShon Malone, Pamela Norton, and Katya Petriwsky Visual Storytelling Victor Cuevas, Nicole Esquerre, Richard Johnson, Maya Kaplun, Janet Michaud, Matthew Perry, Dan Redding, Mary Reddy, Jonathon Rivait, and Nathan Wilson Editorial and digital production Andrew Cha, Paromita Ghosh, Gwyn Herbein, Chris Konnari, Milva Mantilla, Philip Mathew, Charmaine Rice, Dana Sand, Venetia Simcock, Sneha Vats, Pooja Yadav, and Belinda Yu Acknowledgments 155