field sales reps for inside sales roles, including behavior that would be required to keep them those that require an increased use of data and moving in a more focused way. Leaders who analytics and those that provide customers with are working on these skills can spend a small technical expertise via a website’s chat function. amount of their learning time in formal settings In our survey of leaders, IT, marketing, and (in classroom, online, or with a coach) and the supply chain were among the most cited areas majority of it working on real project-based for specific upskilling. That holds true for HR: business problems (which the COVID-19 crisis 61 percent of respondents believe that upskilling naturally provided). will be very or moderately important in the area (Exhibit 2). Managing and rewarding performance — Leadership development. In response to The COVID-19 crisis is speeding up needed shifts the current crisis, the slow pace of corporate in how organizations manage and reward bureaucracy has been replaced by clear goals, performance. As our previous research has focused teams, and rapid decision making. shown, the majority of business leaders don’t CHROs have a key role to play in making sure believe that their performance-management that the change sticks. Leadership-development system accurately identifies top performers—and programs can provide support for faster, more the majority of employees don’t feel that the agile organizations. In particular, organizations performance-management process accurately can identify the three to five shifts in leadership reflects their contributions. Web <2020> Exhibit 2 Exhibit <2> of <3> Leaders say reskilling is very important, but they are focusing on certain areas. Leaders say reskilling is very important, but they are focusing on certain areas. Reskilling importance by function, % of respondents¹ Hˆ inance ‚arketing Supply chain ”• …egal ’ommunications Quality “rocurement Sales 1‰ Œ Ž Ž Œ Œ Œ ‘ Š „nsure 1 ‰‹ ‰Œ ŠŒ ŠŽ ‹1 ƒery ‹ ‹‘ important Š ‹‰ ‹ ŠŒ ŠŽ ‹ Š1 ‰ ‚oderately ‰ important ‹1 ŠŠ ‰ 1 ‰ 1 €ot 1Š 1‹ 1‹ 1Š important …†SS ‚‡ˆ† 1Question: How important will reskilling employees be in this function? Survey of chief officers and functional leaders across industries n 1 igures may not sum to 1 % because of rounding 54 What now? Ten actions to emerge stronger in the next normal September 2020
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