of having personal relationships with healthcare diminished sharply. There will always be a place professionals. But it is possible to have the best for the lecture hall and the tutorial, but there is a of both worlds—staff with more time to deal with huge opportunity here to evaluate what works, urgent needs and patients getting high-quality care. identify what doesn’t, and bring more high-quality education to more people more affordably and more In Britain, less than 1 percent of initial medical easily. Manufacturers also have had to institute consultations took place via video link in 2019; under new practices to keep their workers at work but lockdown, 100 percent are occurring remotely. In apart—for example, by organizing workers into self- another example, a leading US retailer in 2019 contained pods, with shift handovers done virtually; wanted to launch a curbside-delivery business; staggering production schedules to ensure that its plan envisioned taking 18 months. During the physically close lines run at different times; and by lockdown, it went live in less than a week—allowing training specialists to do quality-assurance work it to serve its customers while maintaining the virtually. These have all been emergency measures. livelihoods of its workforce. Online banking Using digital-twin simulation—a virtual way to interactions have risen to 90 percent during the test operations—can help define which should be crisis, from 10 percent, with no drop-off in quality continued, for safety and productivity reasons, as and an increase in compliance while providing a the crisis lessens. customer experience that isn’t just about online banking. In our own work, we have replaced on-site Accelerate the transition of digitization ethnographic field study with digital diaries and and automation video walk-throughs. This is also true for B2B “Digital transformation” was a buzz phrase prior to applications—and not just in tech. In construction, the coronavirus crisis. Since then, it has become a people can monitor automated earth-moving reality in many cases—and a necessity for all. The equipment from miles away. consumer sector has, in many cases, moved fast. When the coronavirus hit China, Starbucks shut Start planning how to lock in and scale the down 80 percent of its stores. But it introduced crisis-era changes the “Contactless Starbucks Experience” in those It is hard to believe that Britain would go back to that stayed open and is now rolling it out more its previous doctor–patient model. The same is widely. Car manufacturers in Asia have developed likely true for education. With even the world’s most virtual show rooms where consumers can browse elite universities turning to remote learning, the the latest models; these are now becoming part of previously common disdain for such practices has what they see as a new beginning-to-end digital There are four areas to focus on: recovering revenue, rebuilding operations, rethinking the organization, and accelerating the adoption of digital solutions. From thinking about the next normal to making it work: What to stop, start, and accelerate 91