to shift from adrenaline-based speed during is the new annual.” Holding just-in-time, fit-for- COVID-19 to speed by design for the long run. The purpose planning and resource allocation on winners are experimenting now, and boldly. a quarterly instead of annual basis is not only faster Here are nine actions to unleash sustainable but also makes the organization more flexible. speed (exhibit). Finally, non-mission-critical decisions can be The first three actions aim to rethink ways of delegated, so that top leaders focus on fewer, more working. Many leaders have had to do this during important decisions: think “assign to the line” the pandemic and are keen to keep those that have rather than “go to the top.” That means tolerating worked well: mistakes that don’t put the business at risk; a slow decision can often be worse than an imperfect 1. Speed up and delegate decision making. The one. The principle is simple: organizations that pandemic has shown that it is possible to make deci- want to move faster must motivate their employees sions faster without breaking the business. What to be willing to act. this means in practice is fewer meetings and fewer decision makers in each meeting. Some organizations 2. Step up execution excellence. Just because the are taking to heart the “nine on a videoconference” times are fraught does not mean that leaders principle. Others are keeping larger 30- to 40-person need to tighten control and micromanage execution. meetings (so the people that need to implement Rather the opposite. Because conditions are the decisions are present) but cutting the number so difficult, frontline employees need to take on of people with a vote. There is also less detailed more responsibility for execution, action, preparation for each meeting, with one- to two- and collaboration. page documents or spreadsheets replacing lengthy PowerPoint decks. But this isn’t always easy and requires that organi- zations focus on building execution muscle Organizations are also increasing the cadence of throughout the workforce. Leaders must assign decisions, taking on the mantra that “quarterly responsibility to the line, and drive “closed-loop Exhibit Unleashing sustainable speed is a process. Unleashing sustainable speed is a process. Rethink ways of working Reimagine structure Reshape talent 1. Speed up and delegate 4. Flatten the structure . Field tomorro s leaders today decision making 5. Unleash nimle . €earn ho to learn 2. Step up execution excellence empoered teams ‚. ƒethink the role o„ C…†s 3. Cultivate extraordinary . ake hyrid ork ork and leaders partnerships Ready, set, go: Reinventing the organization for speed in the post-COVID-19 era 23