And in fact, the same factors were also critical in they will emphasize will be globalization—the more recent success stories, such as Estonia, Israel, world’s growing connectedness, in both cultural Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan, all of which and economic terms. Globalization is a long-term emerged from difficult circumstances to create phenomenon: exports of goods as a share of advanced economies and prosperous societies. In global GDP doubled from 4 percent in 1945 to 9 the postpandemic world, there needs to be a similar percent in 1970 and doubled again in the 1980s. cohesiveness of action. By 2017, the cross-border trade in goods and services had reached 28 percent of global GDP. In addition, the continued emergence of China, India, Adapting the lessons of the postwar era and other economies, plus the rise of seamless to the coming post-COVID-19 era communications, in the form of the mobile phone and the internet, have quickened the pace and Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head deepened the effects of globalization. On the pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward. whole, this has been a very good thing: the spread There were many dark moments when my faith in of globalization has helped lift billions of people humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and out of poverty. But there have been losers, in both could not give myself up to despair. That way lays environmental and social terms. defeat and death. ―Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom: The Global problems need global attention, something Autobiography of Nelson Mandela the architects of the postwar world recognized. Today, we need to do the same, reshaping To win the post-COVID-19 peace, today’s policy globalization and its institutions to meet modern makers and business leaders need to channel needs. The good news is that doing so may be a the optimism and imagination of their postwar matter of pushing on an open door. A 2019 poll equivalents—but differently. In many ways, we live by the World Economic Forum, with respondents in the world created then. While keeping what is from 29 countries, for example, found that at least worthwhile, it is time to do better. Here we suggest 72 percent in all regions agreed that “all countries ten ways to win the peace. can improve at the same time”; and majorities in all regions (and 76 percent overall) believe that it Reform and reshape globalization is important for countries to work together. Here When future historians look back on the first two are some ways to address some of the discontents decades of the 21st century, one of the themes associated with globalization. When future historians look back on the first two decades of the 21st century, one of the themes they will emphasize will be globalization. 120 What now? Ten actions to emerge stronger in the next normal September 2020