Less than 5 percent of the companies we surveyed reported that their leaders could make objective design decisions (for example, to develop new products or enter new sectors). Through personal exposure or constant "Through personal exposure engagement with researchers, executives or constant engagement with can act as role models for their businesses researchers, executives can act and learn firsthand what most frustrates and excites customers. Many companies, though, as role models for their businesses acknowledge a worrying gap in understanding and learn firsthand what most at the top of their organizations. Less than 5 frustrates and excites customers." percent of those we surveyed reported that their leaders could make objective design decisions (for example, to develop new products or enter The value of such accurate insights is significant— new sectors). In an age of ubiquitous online tools one online gaming company discovered that and data-driven customer feedback, it seems a small increase in the usability of its home page surprising that design still isn’t measured with was followed by a dramatic 25 percent increase the same rigor as time or costs. Companies can in sales. Moreover, the company also discovered now build design metrics (such as satisfaction that improvements beyond these small tweaks ratings and usability assessments) into product had almost no additional impact on the users’ specifications, just as they include requirements value perceptions, so it avoided further effort for grades of materials or target times to market. that would have brought little additional reward. The Business Value of Design 9