Exhibit 2 / 5 Exhibit 3 / 5 Higher McKinsey Design Index scores correlated The financial outperformance of top-quartile companies with higher revenue growth and, for the top quartile, holds true across the three industries studied. eturns to shareholders. higher r 20.6% McKinsey Design Index: Difference between top quartile vs peers, 2013−18 Overall average edical Retail banking Consumer M packaged goods technology 15. 15% 3%15% 108% 10% 6.3% 56% 4% 4.6% 41% 42% .a.) 32% 25% 27% s (p .a.) 18% enue 1 (p v RS e T R 1 tile rd op tile tile rd op tile RS RS RS RS 2nd 3 T 2nd 3 T vnue T vnue T vnue T vnue T Bottom Bottom e e e e quar quar quar quar R R R R Companies’ McKinsey Design Index scores ¹ Total Returns to Shareholder. The Business Value of Design Source: Financial statements for consumer durables/apparel; S&P 500; 4 McKinsey Value of Design survey of 300 global companies, July 2018.