Benedict Sheppard is a partner in the London office, where Garen Kouyoumjian is a consultant; Hugo Sarrazin is a senior partner in the Silicon Valley office; Fabricio Dore is an associate partner in McKinsey’s São Paulo office. The authors wish to thank Becca Coggins, Volker Grüntges, and Michael Silber for their tireless support of the research behind this article. They also wish to thank Maxim Berdutin, Markus Berger-de León, John Edson, Sarah Greenberg, Rupert Lee, Randy Lim, Drew Mancini, Rob Mathis, Rashid Puthiyapurayil, Stefan Roggenhofer, David Saunders and Hyo Yeon for their substantive input. Want to know how your organization compares? Take the 30-minute assessment at to understand where your design strengths and opportunities October 2018 lie, and the value at stake from further improvement. Copyright © McKinsey Design 15