Current as of March 16, 2020 People 50+ in age are ~40-76% of diagnosed cases As of data from February 11, 2020, in China and as of March 16 and 15, 2020, in South Korea and Italy, respectively Context Total cases by country and age segment, Percent by age segment Approximate age range1 In all three countries, there is a significant 0-19 difference in the age distribution 20-49 100% = 50-69 There is only a small percentage of cases 6% 2% 1% 70+ found among the youngest populations (0- 24% Undiagnosed t 19) despite frequent contac with other 44% individuals (school, public transport) 52% 37% 32% 42% 38% 10% 12% Undiagnosed Undiagnosed Undiagnosed (TBD) (TBD) (TBD) South Korea China Italy ~0.8-.9% fatalities ~2.3-4.0% fatalities2 ~4.3-7.2% fatalities2 1. Italy reports age segments slightly differently than South Korea and China thus categories are rounded 2. Note - Data reported from ISS March 15 reports 7.2%, however latest deaths/ cases from WHO indicates this may be higher 3. Note: Data reported from China February 11 reports 2.3%, however, latest deaths/cases from WHO indicate this may be higher Source: Korea CDC, China CDC, ISS Italian National Health Service McKinsey and Company 10