06 | GENDER DIVERSITY IN TODAY’S FINANCIAL SERVICES INDUSTRY Gender parity by the numbers Representation Gender-diversity trends vary across the three financial-services subsectors included in our survey. Employees by level, % share A = Entry level D = Vice president B = Manager E = Senior vice president C = Senior manager/director F = C-suite Asset management Banking and and wholesale banking consumer finance Insurance White 33 33 men 29 37 43 48 47 48 54 59 63 60 72 74 74 65 10 75 19 71 Men 19 of color 21 8 14 16 17 9 18 8 23 Women 23 of color 16 13 6 7 9 19 10 11 4 13 6 9 7 10 7 4 43 7 5 1 2 40 3 32 1 White 28 3 28 27 26 women 25 26 22 21 17 18 20 18 17 17 13 A B C D E F A B C D E F A B C D E F Note: Figures may not sum to 100%, because of rounding. Source: Women in the workplace 2017, a joint report from LeanIn.org and McKinsey, 2017, womenintheworkplace.com