Stacey Chin is a consultant in McKinsey’s San Francisco office, where Marie-Claude Nadeau is a partner. Alexis Krivkovich is a partner in the Silicon Valley office. The authors would like to extend their deepest thanks to the women who participated in the development of this report, from all the survey respondents to the industry leaders quoted directly in these pages. Continued engagement from women throughout the financial services industry—and from their male colleagues—will make the path to gen- der equality a smoother, shorter one. Beverly Anderson, Wells Fargo Ranjana Clark, MUFG Union Bank, N.A. Margo Cook, Nuveen Advisory Services Céline Dufétel, T. Rowe Price Jenny Johnson, Franklin Templeton Investments Marianne Lake, JPMorgan Chase Alice Milligan, Citi Jacqueline Molnar, Western Union Kathleen Murphy, Fidelity Karen Peetz, BNY Mellon (retired) Sheri Rhodes, Western Union Deanna Strable, Principal